Is The Carnivore Lifestyle Dangerous?

No, the carnivore lifestyle is safe, and there are numerous cultures on earth that remain on a meat only diet all year.

Recent studies have also shown that sugar is the more likely culprit in heart disease, rather than saturated fats. You can always undergo regular blood work tests to keep tabs.

How Does The Carnivore Lifestyle Work?

Fatty meat, lean meat, organ meats, fish, and poultry are high in protein and basically zero carbs. In the now normal western diet, the body turns all carbs into blood sugar, no matter how much energy you need. Any excess glucose is then stored in the form of fat, which is why so many people are obese these days.

Is a Carnivore Lifestyle Expensive?

Yes, the carnivore diet can be expensive, but there are very good ways to reduce the costs. By switching to cheaper cuts, you can still buy grass-fed beef to eat on a day-to-day basis.

How Long Does It Take To Adapt to the Carnivore Diet?

It usually takes about one week to adapt to the carnivore diet and enter full ketosis. Dependent on how strict you are and how much you exercise, this can take as long as 2 weeks.

Will the All-Meat Diet Cause Nutrient Deficiencies?

No, an all-meat diet will not cause nutrient deficiencies, as long as you mix things up in this low-carb diet.

You still need a lot of vitamins and minerals for your digestive and immune system, but by adding some fish and seafood on your carnivore diet food list, you’ll still be able to get these nutrients and prevent certain digestive issues.