The Carnivore Lifestyle

What To Eat


There are so many high-quality beef cuts you can choose when you're following the carnivore diet food list. These differ is in taste and nutrient content, and of course price.

When choosing and consuming any of these beef cuts you can achieve your desired health and fitness results along with benefit of high energy levels.

When you're eating meat, try to increase the consumption of red meat over time, too. No more vegetables this time.

  • Brisket

  • Chuck

  • Top rump

  • Flank

  • Round steak

  • Flat Iron

  • Beef ribs

All of these foods have more fat content levels than your regular steaks. These are excellent choices to provide you with extra calories to complete your carnivore diet food list.

Favorite Cuts of Steak

  • Ribeye

  • Striploin

  • Porterhouse

  • T-bone

  • Sirloin

  • Fillet (best avoided due to price and very limited saturated fat)

Other Meats You Can Eat

Now that you have your beef baseline for the carnivore diet food list, it's time to get you thinking about some other carnivorous weight loss foods delights.

There are so many more high-quality options with healthy benefits for your food plan out there. While on a carnivore diet for weight loss, your shopping list doesn't have to be limited to just beef, pork, poultry, and seafood. With seafood being an excellent way to add diversity to your carnivore diet food list.

Here are some carnivore diet food list ideas for you to work with:

  • Chicken legs and thighs with skin

  • Lamb chops and cutlets

  • Pork chops and belly

  • Duck breast with skin

  • Turkey Legs

  • Venison

  • Bison

  • Moose

  • Organ meat

  • Shrimp

  • Squid

  • Lobster

  • Oysters

  • Crabs

  • Scallops

  • Salmon

  • Tuna

Fatty Meats

It might seem counter-intuitive, but you will need quite a bit of high saturated animal fat in your carnivore diet food plan, even ​for weight loss.

Because carnivore diet is zero-carb, there is a pretty big fuel gap that your body needs to fill for optimum health, and the only real way to do that is by eating food with high fat content levels.

There are a few beef cuts that fit this category, but the absolute best is pork belly. Try slow cooking it in the oven, and then pop it under the grill.

You'll get that lovely crispy outer fat, along with juicy flavors on the inside.

A gentle reminder when eating high amounts of fatty acids with a carnivore diet food items is to consult with your physician, especially if have a history of heart disease.

Another way to up your fat intake when on carnivore diet is to use lard or tallow in a frying pan or skillet.

It works great to avoid animal meat sticking to the pan and adds a great deal of flavor to foods.


Eggs are high in protein with some added fat, especially in the yolks. When on carnivore diet for weight loss, you should experiment with meat, eggs, beef, liver, and other high-protein options.

Many whole food stores will stock more than just chicken eggs, so give other types like duck eggs a try. If you're lucky and see eggs from turkey, give these eggs a try.

One thing we would suggest, although not mandatory, is to stick with eating organic eggs for optimum health purposes.

These organic eggs usually have more nutrients as compared to mass-produced eggs filled with chemicals.

Our favorite carnivore diet meal in the morning is a late breakfast with six hard-boiled eggs snack and some strip steak. Steak and eggs lunch, hard-boiled eggs snack or prepared otherwise, is a must on everyone's all-meat foods list.

Dairy-Based Products

Dairy is allowed on the carnivore diet foods menu, but most should avoid dairy products due to high food intolerance.

The reason ​dairy-based products are allowed is that they (a) are animal foods and (b) provide a lot of beneficial nutritional content for your diet.

While it might not always look like a great idea to put a slice of cheese on your meat, you can use dairy-based products as snacks in between meals.

For a carnivore diet-friendly snack, you can bake some pork rinds with grated cheese and ground beef for a nacho style dish, which is also good for the ketogenic diet.

Here are some ​foods we occasionally add to our grocery list:

  • Milk

  • Full fat cheese

  • Yogurt

  • Butter

Using Condiments on Carnivore Diet

If you like using lots of herbs for sauces and garnishing your meals, then, unfortunately, you'll need to put those on hold when you plan on starting the carnivore diet for weight loss.

The reason we recommend you to avoid vegetables, herbs, or any other plant foods is to take full advantage of this type of elimination diet.

​Remember that while on carnivore diet, you won't need anything more than salt, pepper, and some fatty meat or bone marrow.

Sides and Beverages

The side of fries or some nice roast potatoes is just completely off-limits when on zero-carb carnivore diet to lose weight.

Don't eat high-carb sides like these, or you'll lose your ketosis while on this diet.

If you need a side dish to your porterhouse steak, then consider a few slices of bacon, bone marrow, or some animal liver to increase your body's protein intake.

It's not only the foods that has limits while on carnivore diet but with drinks too.

When it comes to what you drink, ​the choices are slim when on this all-meat elimination diet.

Some milk is okay, but keep it to a minimum as it does contain high sugar. Juices and sodas are a complete no-go, and we would also suggest staying away from a lot of the diet sodas, as these still have high sugar content.

Coffee and Tea During Carnivore Diet

When on carnivore diet to lose weight, it is okay to drink some coffee and tea during the day, but keep in mind that high caffeine intake will dehydrate you while on the all-meat diet.

So for every cup you drink, you will want to add some extra liquid as well.

What we would also suggest is trying out ​a hot cup of bone broth instead to power you through your day while on diet.

This have more micronutrients than vegetables.

Carnivore Diet Water Intake

When on a zer-carb carnivore diet, you should have five pints (2.4 liters) of water every day. The long-term health benefits of water are more than you can imagine.

On regular meat and plant-based diets ​with plenty of fruits and vegetables, those foods contain a lot of H2O. That means while on carnivore diet, you will be reducing your high liquid intake a lot.

What we usually do is have one full pint of liquid (480 mL) with every meal.

And then, in between meals, we make sure to spread out another 900 ml. You’ll need to further increase liquid intake if you exercise a lot.

Bone Broth

Bone broth is a nice little secret that our dietician friend introduced for this carnivore diet food list for long term use.

It tastes good, satisfies your hunger, is easily prepared, and can be bought.

You can buy the bone broth supplement in powder or liquid form, and you could simply boil it up from animal bone marrow.

Bone broth is full of collagen, which has excellent healing properties for your skin, hair, connective tissue, and is known to improve cartilage health.

Snacks on Carnivore Diet

This is another area where carnivores are somewhat limited, and that's the in-between foods while on an all-meat diet. ​

Carnivore-eating folks can't just pick up a banana or a cookie along with your afternoon coffee. High-carb snacks are an absolute no-no on a zero carb diet like this. You can't grab any plant foods to nibble on, either.

Here are some tips you can use

If you can find some 100% pork sausages, then you can cook them ahead of time and try them cold as a snack between meals in this diet.

One cardinal rule to remember is to avoid processed foods when on a carnivore diet also canned animal food.

You can do the same with ​foods like smoked salmon, which is surprisingly ​fulfilling.

We used to recommend some beef jerky as a carnivore diet meal, but it's really difficult to get some with no high additives, spices, and even sugar thrown in.

Foods that you CAN’T eat in the carnivore life:

When you're sticking to a 100% carnivore diet meal plan, then the list of foods you cannot take in is a lot longer than what you can eat. But there are a few common mistakes people make when on a carnivore diet that can be easily avoided.

So, the simple rule for a zero-carb diet is that if​ the foods didn't come from an animal, then it's not allowed. But, be careful and pay close attention to the hidden ingredients.

​Processed Meats

Salami, sausages, and beef jerky are high off-limit foods on a carnivore diet. You may think these processed meats are counted as snacks on your carnivore diet food list, but it doesn't. Unless you can verify from your local butcher that it doesn't have high additive content, then it's okay.

Most products you can buy in supermarkets have added grain, flour, and prohibited sauces, which is unacceptable while on this meat-only diet.

Sauces on All-meat Diet

The sauces are extremely laced with carbs, and it is a big no-no in a zero-carb carnivore diet. The same is the case for many Italian dishes, including pasta carbonara. Despite it being a mainly cream-based sauce, there will be plenty of high-calorie thickeners added in.

Alcohol While on Carnivore Diet

Alcohol is off-limits when on carnivore diet.

Beer, wine, and spirits can spike your carbohydrate intake and blood sugar levels immediately.

Many people really didn't crave a beer anymore after 3 to 4 weeks.

You just get used to it and will love dropping the weight, too.

Nuts and Seeds

They didn't grow on animals, but plenty make the mistake that the fats and carbs will be good and a great way to boost energy.

This is applicable for keto diet, not carnivore diet. While your body does get a significant dose of calories from nuts and seeds, these are predominantly from carbs and not fats.

Just stay away from them while on a carnivore diet for weight loss, as they will mess up your metabolism.

Rice and Pasta

As appealing as meatballs and spaghetti might sound, it's not advisable for people on a carnivore diet or other low-carb diets.

The entire dry weight of pasta is high carbs, and it's not much different from rice either.

If you're still leading up to day one, start cutting these plant foods out a few days earlier to help your body get used to not having these carbs anymore.

Lean Cuts of Meat

We're always told to stick with the lean meat cuts and cut away any excess animal fat. However, that's the exact opposite of what people should do when making a carnivore diet food list. While a nice fillet steak might be quite delicious, it simply won't give you all the calories your body requires in the all-meat diet.

Most of the saturated fat in beef actually decreases your heart-disease risk—either by lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol or by reducing your ratio of total cholesterol to HDL (good) cholesterol.


When it comes to buying meat, there were initially 4 different places that my colleagues and I had tried​ when we started the carnivore diet. But these days, we generally stick with just the first two.

Local Butcher

Nobody will understand and support your ​carnivore diet more than your local butcher. These people will have a huge amount of knowledge about different animal cuts. And when you're buying in high bulk, they will be welcoming you with open arms.

Farmers’ Market

When going through your carnivore diet shopping list, find out when your local farmers' markets take place. It's one of the best ways to get your red meat exceptionally fresh.

In most cases, the suppliers at these markets will be providing only grass-fed and pasture-raised animal products, which is a big bonus for those who want to try the carnivore diet.


If you're stuck with a tight budget for your carnivore diet meal plan, then check out either the butcher area of your supermarket or the pre-packed meat section. It's not ideal, and you might struggle to find some of the more obscure types, but it's always an option.

Buy Online

​Yes, you can now buy meat online. There are several meat delivery services like ButcherBox offering safe methods. You can expect to receive fresh and frozen meat.

That's the main reason we don't use them for all our needs, but having ​many frozen stuff as a backup is always a good idea.

Other meat delivery services available:


The concept of the Food Pyramid is starting to become a bit outdated, and many people and researchers are questioning a lot of the fundamentals, especially if you want to lose weight by going on a low-carb diet.

Many people count macros for weight loss. However, this approach emphasizes carbohydrate intake, which is under considerable investigation with countless new diets, avoiding them (ketogenic, paleo, and carnivore diet).

The typical food pyramid has the base layer made up of vegetables, plant-based salads, and fruit, with the next one focusing on high amount of grains, cereals, and bread.

That's a ton of carbs locked up in the Food Pyramid, and probably 50% of your diet may compose of carbs alone. [1]

Fats, meat, and all other animal products are pretty much near the top, and the only products higher up are sugar, salts, and saturated fats.

Now, we used to think that a carnivore diet just turns that whole concept upside down. But in many ways, you could actually say that a pyramid isn't as descriptive anymore.

In a carnivore diet food pyramid, you only have two layers: one is meat, and the other is water. But, what you can do is break down the types of meat into segments. In that case, you would have a base layer of beef, and sitting on top of that would be pork, poultry, game, and organ meats or animal foods.

​Next would be water. Remember that you should be aiming for 5 pints of H2O per day?

Finally, on top of the water sits a small layer of a few dairy items that you can have every once in a while.

What's completely missing is any hint or sign of a carbohydrates. We've thought about having a t-shirt printed with this carnivore diet food pyramid, just to annoy some vegans at dinner parties.

How Much To Eat

When To Eat

Preparing Your Meat

The way of eating to ensure more of the proteins and nutrients remain intact when you eat meat, giving you the maximum dietary and health benefits is by cooking your beef medium-rare. If you aren't use to eating beef medium-rare then try to move towards it gradually because it is highly recommended when on carnivore diet to help reduce body fat.